The Garden Club of London is a not-for-profit organization whose motto is ‘A GATEWAY TO A BOTANICAL ADVENTURE’ with a focus on education in the areas of design, horticulture and conservation.
Goals of the Garden Club are:
- To restore and protect the environment
- To increase awareness of Floral Art through exhibitions and education
- To share our knowledge with the community and provide scholarship awards
- To create and market botanical crafts
- To encourage interest in horticulture
- To enjoy a friendly and sociable atmosphere
The Garden Club of London members formally meet from September through June for a wide variety of programs, events and activities with some activities continuing throughout the summer.
Almost all meetings, workshops, courses and events are held at the Civic Garden Complex at 625 Springbank Drive, west of Wonderland Road South.
- The Club usually meets the third Wednesday afternoon of the month as members gather for General Meetings from September to November, January to May, and the first Wednesday of the month in December and June.
- Following a brief business meeting, a program is presented that reflects the interests of the Club in Design and Horticulture. It is truly a fun and interesting experience
- The fourth Wednesday afternoon is dedicated to Horticulture interests for the months of September to November and January to May
- Horticulture field trips are also organized for all members interested in many aspects of the science
- Our Horticulture groups grow herbs and make herbal products to share with the public at the Fall Boutique e.g. jams, jellies, vinegars, pot-pourri, sauces, packaged herbs and mixes
- Our Woodland volunteers are working at restoring approximately 1 hectare of Springbank Park to a Carolinian Forest
- Another small area of the park has been accepted as a challenge for the Garden Club of London to develop into an inviting area for the public to visit. It is north of the Maurice Chapman pathway and will include some land art and include assets that will pique the interest of the public
- On Monday mornings, workshops are held where members learn to create items using natural plant materials of all kinds and work on various crafts and projects
- Items are sold at our annual Fall Boutique held each November at the Civic Garden Complex (Look for our posters and signs. Free admission. Watch for the notice online.)
- Floral Design courses are held on Tuesdays or Thursdays
- The basic mandatory Design I Course is offered in September to help new members begin to understand the principles and elements of Design
- An optional Design Course II is offered later in the year
- Many workshops are offered on specific design styles and techniques to extend knowledge and challenge the members’ current level of design and experience

2016 February 27th the Garden Club of London received recognition for their years of dedicated work in the Woodland from Ontario Parks.
2015 June 15th – 17th Ten students enrolled in the 7th School for Judging, Exhibiting and Instructing Standards for Floral Design finished their last course and will receive their diplomas in June of 2016.
2015 April 18th joined Carolinian Canada and participated in the initial ‘Go Wild – Grow Wild’ event at the Agriplex, Western Fair District where the Club received the Group Award for Protection of the Natural Diversity of the Community as a result of the time and effort that we have spent in our Woodland Restoration Project for the last twenty-one years.
2015 January 19th the GCL attended a meeting of the London Environment Network, later became a member of the group and participated in the March 27th official launch
2014 – On August 16, the Club designed and executed a table centre for the Association of Municipalities of Ontario* at the London Convention Centre
2014 – June 8, the dedication of a bench to Sheila Schaus was held in the Woodland Garden*
2014 – In January, the Club visited Mount Hope Long Term facility to assist clients in making a wall hanging for their rooms using dried plant material
2013 – Held a Collage Exhibit* at the Masonville Branch of the London Public library from July 2 to 26
2013 – June During the Garden Club program on June 4 2013, Elaine G. Vice President of the Parkwood Hospital Complex, Specialty Aging and Rehabilitation, presented a plaque to the Garden Cub of London members Aditi A., Janet H., Barbara M. and Judy W. thanking them for the for the beauty, joy and creativity the Club has sewn into thousands of patients’ lives.
2013 – 12 urns were designed and filled by Club members for the World Figure Skating Championships* held at the Budweiser Gardens from March 11 to 17
2012 – Another large group of members has started the 7th School for Judging at the Royal Botanical Garden in Burlington
2012 – After a long wait, our lighted sign* on Springbank Drive finally was installed and put to good use by The Club and The Friends of the Civic Garden Complex
2012 – WAFA Seminars, A Celtic Journey, in Ireland welcomed almost 100 attendees from around the world, including Jeanne Anne Goldrick from our Club to participate in workshops, judging and touring the country in preparation for the World Show in 2014
2012 – We launch our Website to communicate with the world
2012 – The Woodland Garden continues to thrive. The goal continues to focus on restoring the site to a natural state and to replanting native shrubs and Carolinian trees. The Garden is enjoyed by many local residents. The national Communities in Bloom judging committee recognized the Woodland Garden as a model of community partnership.
2011 – The successful integration of the Civic Garden Complex into the needs of the London community was also a focus by the national Communities in Bloom judging committee.
2011 – September – At the end of our 60th year, we held an event honouring Club members who have passed away during the last ten years. 250 design enthusiasts gathered to watch the magic of Hitomi Gilliam, international Canadian designer, who impressed all present with her simple techniques and large and extravagant designs.
2001 – An herbal cookbook, “Thyme for Herbs” was published with proceeds assigned to the “Bug” Program.
2000 to 2001 – Many members are involved in the program at Parkwood Hospital, teaching patients about gardening, growing plants from seed and assisting them in making small flower arrangements.
2000 – A Celebration of the Club’s 50th anniversary. A commemorative sugar maple tree is planted in Springbank Park near the Complex. In April, NAFAS (North American Flower Arrangers Society) demonstrator and horticulturist John Chennell lectures an audience of 400 plant enthusiasts. Noted judge and Past President of the Club Shirley Robinson was honoured. A two-day Boutique was also held in November.
1998 – The “Bug” program in the Manness Conservatory was established. The program of biological control of insects and pests is supported annually by yearly cash donations of $2500.
1998 – October. A 2-day show titled “Symphony of Flowers” was produced to benefit Orchestra London and the Manness Conservatory at the Complex
1998 – June. The Garden Club participated in a fund-raising show with Museum London volunteers titled “Art in Bloom”. Club members created floral design to complement works of art.
1996 – After donating $275,000 to a Federal and Provincial Infrastructure project, The Garden Club of London finally moves into the Civic Garden Complex in London, Ontario. From small beginnings in basements of members’ homes and holding non-competitive flower shows in church basements, The Garden Club of London was finally in its permanent home. The Complex includes a greenhouse, conservatory, a large meeting room and a separate workroom for the Garden Club, as well as a library and resource room, a servery and storage facilities.
1996 – Woodland Garden. The area of the Gardens was doubled to about one and a half acres, and a wood rail fence was built along the west boundary.
1995 – The Naturalization project is re-named the Woodland Garden – A wood chip path and a wooden bridge with a nearby bench were constructed. The path opened the park for quiet strolls.
1993 – The World Association of Flower Arrangers (WAFA) Flower Show was held in Toronto. Numerous members worked as hostesses, and several members entered designs. Our Club hosted a luncheon for the International delegates at the Seminar prior to the show. Copies of our cookbook “Season with Herbs” were presented to each guest.
1993 – Funds have been donated yearly to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) to purchase small trees for planting by school children as part of their environmental education.
1993 – Yearly decorating of Ronald MacDonald House for Christmas continues to the present.
1992 – The Garden Club pledged to assist in the development of a Wildflower Garden along the Maurice Chapman Walkway in Springbank Park. Work parties remove Mustard Weed and clean up rubbish left by Park visitors. Every year trees, shrubs, native plants and ferns continue to be planted.
1990-92 – The Club pledged to provide labour and much of the plant material required to restore and renew Janet’s Garden, a memorial sensory garden at the London Regional Children’s Museum.
1980’s – Funds were given to assist in establishing a wheelchair garden at Parkwood Hospital.
1970’s to the mid 1990’s – 12 assessors have been supplied for the Trillium Awards. Assistance to beautify interiors with natural arrangements has been provided to Banting, London Art Gallery, hospitals and libraries.
1960 – Members have decorated Eldon House for Christmas in the period manner using fresh and dried natural materials each year to the present time
1954 – A charter was granted to this group now named The Garden Clubs of Ontario. Jean Gallagher of London was the group’s first Secretary. London members have held many major executive positions. Over these years, more than 100 members of our Club have become accredited judges through Garden Clubs of Ontario schools, and now teach and judge through Southwestern Ontario.
1953 – The Garden Clubs of Hamilton, London and Toronto formed a Federation of Garden Clubs
1951 to 1967 – The Club worked closely with the CNIB to establish a Fragrant Garden for the blind and provided funds and labour to maintain the garden
1951 – The seed is planted… The idea of a Garden Club was begun. Funds were accumulated through the years from profits from Boutiques and Flower Shows to eventually have a permanent home to call the Garden Club of London

Address: Civic Garden Complex
625 Springbank Drive, London, Ontario N6K 4T1
Website: www.gardencluboflondon.ca
In 1996, The Garden Club of London donated $275,000 to the City of London for a four-way partnership in the construction of the Civic Garden Complex, located at 625 Springbank Drive, west of Wonderland Road. This amount matched the Federal and Provincial infrastructure monies, thereby assuming a “free” gift to the citizens of London.
Since that time, many Garden Club projects have enhanced the facility. Inside the facility we continue to co-fund the Biological Control of Insectsin the Manness Conservatory. In 2007, we provided light-proof blinds to enhance projection facilities in the Birch Room – the main meeting room in the Complex.
Garden Club members have provided benches in recognition of past and present contributions to the Club. Urns throughout Springbank Park are designed and planted by the Garden Club and since 1992, the Garden Club has been working on the Woodland Restoration Project in Springbank Park.